It has been a while since my last blog entry, though people who know me know that I’ve been having a really tough time health-wise lately and to be honest still aren’t right, though on a positive note I’ve been feeling somewhat better of late and well enough to paint so I’ve photographed a few of my latest bits and pieces:
Feora, Priestess of the Flame
This warcaster is one that I have been trying out lately,
loosing most of the games I have played using her, though of late I’ve won a
couple, so she got painted up!
Gaming-wise she isn’t renown for being in the Protectorate’s top tier of
warcasters, however I think she has a good spell list and a potentially
devastating feat as well as being survivable.
Like her more popular epic counterpart she has a defensive stat of 15
and armour 17. With the recent release
of SR2013 the scenarios reward ‘casters who stick their necks out and Dominate flags, objectives and zones,
basically scoring double control points; clearly the down side to sticking a ‘caster
in harms-way is assassination in the following turn – hence survivable
warcaster choices. I’ll endeavour to
write up a tactica on Feora1 once I’ve got to grips with using her and
formulated a list that synergises with her and SR2013.
Regards painting Feora1, techniques were identical to
previous articles, though I did spend quite some time getting the gold right,
this being the first stage as I tend to with painting Protectorate models. I also focused on getting a smooth Menoth
White blend on the cloak/armour and spent some time ink lining to lift the
colours where necessary:
Knights Exemplar Seneschal
This model has seldom seen play for SR2011 and SR2012,
however I think with the recent meta-shift to Colossals and Gargantuans as well
as the scenario focus of SR2013 this piece will find a niche. As a basic description he is a fairly fast
infantry solo who hits hard and with buffs and a bit of good luck could
possibly trash a heavy, but I don’t include him for that as a main reason, but
rather his Restoration rule. Basically if the Knights Exemplar Seneschal (KES)
is killed he just remains disabled
and doesn’t get boxed or destroyed, so he can’t be removed from
play easily. The KES then heals damage
for each living faction model destroyed in his CMD. The key is that the KES remains in play
during your opponents turn and isn’t removed until the Protectorate players
following Maintenance Phase, this therefore prevents an opponent from
scoring. The KES can also be used to ‘jam
up’ a large based model, such as a heavy or Colossal forcing the opposing player
to trample instead of charging – this burns initial attack(s), negates the
extra damage dice for a charge attack and costs a focus or fury for the power
attack leaving only ‘bought attacks’. Of
course if you’re Dave and playing Sorscha2 it doesn’t matter as Konquest will
smash whatever it likes, especially Avatar’s that are gazing at it and Nick
forgot to Enliven (again)!!!
The KES was painted at the same time as feora1, simply to
speed up painting time and save on my ever depleting paint supplies! The model is really nice as it has a dramatic
pose and the long flowing banners and clothing allow for some nice blending:
This model is a ‘jack support piece who again saw little
table-time in SR2011 and SR2012, but might see more in 2013. Basically he gathers souls of fallen faction
models and can convert that to focus and hand it out to a ‘jack as a
*action. Effectively gathering free
focus allowing the Wracaster to camp more; something quintessential when Dominating and under risk of
assassination. Wracks and the Heirophant
can also aid in this, but perhaps when list building too much support can be a
The Reclaimer differs slightly from other Protectorate
models in that his clothing is black, probably because he collects souls and
isn’t part of the Protectorate clergy, or maybe it is just a fashion
thing! Still it was interesting to paint
this model and for the black robes I chose to mix increasing amounts of Menoth
White Base to Tharmar Black, making a grey highlight. I chose this colour as it would balance with
the remainder of the Protectorate army which has extensive amounts of Menoth
White Base/Highlight as a foundation colour:
Next up a 2013 Masters tournament to be held at York and a 75 point event to be held in Sheffield, some thoughts on list building as well as any relevant painting, thanks for reading :-)