Monday, 6 February 2012

Fires of Communion – backfire!!!

 An odd post this one, basically I thought I’d elaborate on a disaster that occurred yesterday…

So the pic below is my painting station, it’s an old writing bureau that I picked up for about £35 a few years ago, they’re ideal because they can be folded away (hiding whatever crap you’ve got on the desk) and look quite tidy in a pinch, which goes down well with the other half.  They’ve got loads of storage space and places to put a war gamers modelling equipment - great stuff I hear you say!

My Command Centre (painting and modelling area)!
So in the spring cleaning spirit I cleaned this bad boy out, giving it a good old dust and polish, scoring some major brownie points and folded it up and away - nice and tidy.  This is where it all started…  You’ll notice a black flexible lamp which I use with a daylight bulb to paint with; well this got put under the bureau after said tidying.  What I didn’t realise was that my little nipper found it and played with the on/off switch and unbeknown to me left it ‘on’, though the main power switch at the socket was off…  Later in the day however I turned the main power switch on to use the computer (on the same extension socket), which unfortunately also turned the lamp on, I didn’t notice the lamp was on as it was face down on the carpet...

After a short while I could smell something burning and found the face down lamp had melted the carpet away and left a nice scorch mark in a roughly CD sized area directly under the bureau… OMG!!!!

Below are a couple of images of the damage:

The fires of Communion (GW paint pot for scale)
So the moral of the tale is don’t piss Sevvy off by playing away with shiny Skorne toys as he’ll feat and burn you!

Or just don’t tidy a lamp away and be messy!

Still it could have been a lot, lot worse (boosted Ashes to Ashes) and I’ve managed to place a new piece of carpet to hide the damage which looks OK.

The damage zoomed in


  1. Well thats your theory Nick, I personally believe tiny aliens from the 40K universe paid you a visit and couldnt find any crops to burn their circle into. You happened to stumble along and found them halfway through designing the new carpet circle they came up with instead. Realising their cover was blown they zapped you with the mind control ray and removed any true memories and replaced them with this story instead. Damn Aliens never can trust those little green men or should that be blue?
    oh well you could always look to buy a small mat and cover the burn mark m8.
    Dont you just love kids lol.

    1. Yeah, it could be the 40K gremlins burning mini-crop circles into my carpet as I've certainly neglected my Orks, I should have tried that excuse!

      In the end I managed to cut a piece of spare carpet into a mat which sits beneath the bureau and it can hardly be seen fortunately.

  2. I think your new 5" AEO Template is going a bit far...

    Id be putting your Vanquisher up on ebay if its going to behave like that....
