Thursday, 16 August 2012

Menite Ninjas!

TFG Tactica Edit
Since my last post I’ve update the TFG Tactica with a small edit, I expanded on the ‘trios’idea, take a ganders here if that topic interested you.

Allegiant of the Order of the Fist
I also managed to get a small solo painted, the Allegiant of the Order of the Fist; a fairly ordinary Menite solo valued at 2 points.  As seen below he’s a ninja monk! 

Allegiant of the Order of the Fist - front view

Allegiant of the Order of the Fist - side view

Allegiant of the Order of the Fist - rear view

Allegiant of the Order of the Fist - side view
The model is posed in a one legged side kick stance, which bugs me a little as having a black belt in Wado Ryu karate I know his foot position is all wrong – LOL!!  Still the model is quite dynamic and I enjoyed painting him.  I used the same colour palette as my existing Menoth, but tried out the P3 acrylic golds instead of the Citadel ones.  I’m not sure if the photos show it, but I experimented with the flesh tone on the monks shaved head, adding a little grey to the base flesh mix.  The result does look like stubble!

Regarding his use in the game; to date I’ve not fielded him, though I had considered him in reserve – along with Nicia and a unit of Daughters of the Flame mainly because they’re all very high speed (SPD 7) as well as high defence.  I wondered whether this flanking force could perform better than the double Repenter and Choir combo I tried at the recent ETC.  I’m not really sure whether the Allegiant is worth his points as he doesn’t really hit that hard, I suspect his value is in harassing enemy units given he is darn hard to hit, maybe an Officer or solo killer or just useful to tie such models up.

More Menite ramblings…
I listen to Chain Attack, a Hordes and Warmachine podcast that specialises in battle reports, then grading the casters on various attributes.  The latest episode (#60) features Colossals, the Judicator versus the Kraken and is well worth a listen.  I thought it would be funny to highlight one of their Menoth musings:  Top 5 reasons Menoth is an easy button faction:

5.  Avatar: Gaze and run!
4.  Soulless Elven Hooker inexplicably works for the faction that hates non-humans!
3.  Choir chants f*** you on my ‘jacks!
2.  Enliven!
1.  Reckoners!

The list does really make me laugh as I can hear my friends echoing these sentiments having played against my Menoth, though each faction has its own list of ‘easy buttons’.  I think that the #1 Reckoners are probably the biggest bug-bear for non-Menoth players because they’re so cheap for what they can do and they’re always combined with #2 Enliven and #3 Choir.  They give you a long ranged, accurate ranged game as well as excellent melee; people generally field them in pairs too!

I’m hoping to write an Exepmlar Errants tactica, so hopefully that will be uploaded later this month, but perhaps a Reckoner tactica will be forthcoming too. :-)


  1. Nice right up and I look forward to seeing this chap get a run out.

    The stubble for hair works really well and I might try it out on one of my pirates.

    Is the exemplar errants tactica as follows?

    take a full squad and the ua - self sacrifice anytime your opponent looks too keen to kill a model and add in the book and Rhupert if you want to make your opponent turn blue

  2. LOL!! Yeah that is pretty much it ;-) I've written about half of it, so it will be published soon...
