Following on from my last entry the tournament theme is running strong at the moment. I managed to get into the Leeds Domination Tournament, a small 16 player event being held this Sunday (29/07/2012). Details for the event can be seen here, but suffice to say it is Hordes orientated, though Warmachine armies are permitted - albeit no 'best in-faction' Privateer Press coins will be available to Warmachine players.
I contemplated taking my Skorne, but at 50 points and timed turns I felt there would be too much time pressure and I am very out of practice and most likely wouldn't enjoy the event as a result. Therefore I decided to go with what I know and chose Menoth (what a surprise I hear you say)! I also feel more comfortable fielding a fully painted army, possibly a throw back from my 40K days.
Another shocker here; I chose my Kreoss1 list as my main 50 point list, it is tried and tested, fully painted and I know I can play it in 10 min timed turns. The list was balanced for a one list environment, meaning it can deal with most things, so a second list to complement it would be difficult to build. I also had little time to paint anything so I was fairly confined to my choices. One thing to note is the character restrictions of Steamroller 2012, where you can not duplicate any unique model(s).
Two List Steamroller for the Menoth
I decided to take Sevvy1 as my second list and tried to build another balanced list and settled on the following:
Grand Scrutator Severius
*Blessing of Vengeance
Choir (min)
Errants (max) + UA
TFG (max) + UA
Errant Seneschal
All of it is painted barring the Errant Seneschal, so quite do-able for the event. I also had to submit my list within a short period of being offered the place - so very little thinking time (my lunch hour basically)!!
I've got crowd clearance as well as being able to crack armour. Eiryss2 is in there to remove upkeeps and Gorman can make clouds to help hide Sevvy as well as lob blind/rust/acid grenades as the game progress. I also felt that with Eye of Menoth the Errants ranged game would improve and the addition of the Errant Seneschal, providing Hunter, would further augment this.
Playtesting of the list: on first thought the list is OK, but not as good as the Kreoss1 list. I do like playing Sevvy however, so it should be great fun to get those cheeky Ashes to Ashes spells off. :-)
Moving forwards I'm seriously considering building a Harbinger list to complement the Kreoss list and am looking at units like the Mercenary Horgenhold Forgeguard with Ranking Officer and perhaps the Holy Zealots, solos such as Nicia, the Heirophant and Paladins are of interest too. Plus it will give me some painting objectives.
Errant Seneschal Painting
It was painted as per the standard technique I've discussed throughout this blog, however I took more time considering he is a solo and added some black ink lining to make certain armour plates and surfaces stand out and make these joins more crisp. I'm quite happy with the result, below are photos of the completed Seneschal.
Errant Seneschal front view |
Errant Seneschal side view |
Errant Seneschal front view |
Errant Seneschal close-up front view |
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