Tuesday, 28 May 2013

List theory

A couple of entries ago I mused over a couple of new lists, using different Protectorate Casters to complement the tried and tested Kreoss1 and Feora2.  I wanted to try Harbinger and Intercessor Kreoss.  Well, I’ve had a few opportunities to try these two out and the following lists are the current versions:

Intercessor Kreoss
*Fire of Salvation
Choir of Menoth (min)
Choir of Menoth (min)
Exemplar Errants (max)
Exemplar Errants (max)
  Exemplar Errants UA
  Exemplar Errants UA
Exemplar Vengers (max)
Exemplar Vengers (max)
High Exemplar Gravus
Exemplar Vengers (max)
Vassal of Menoth

Gorman Di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist

Kell Bailoch

Harbinger: Source
The Harbinger list is very similar to my good friend Paul North’s, we discussed the merits of the list and the basic idea is to use the Errants and Vengers to jam the opponent and use Harbinger to win via scenario victory, her feat being the key here.  The Vengers can form an anti-shooting screen with their large bases and Gravus stops them being knocked down (dis-allowing LOS to Harby), she can Martyr them like crazy when required.  I’ve mused over Aiana & Holt as well as Rhoven & Co. in exchange for Gorman and Kell.  I’ve also contemplated the switching of Avatar in favour of a second Reckoner and three points, possibly funding a min TFG & UA unit; I am quite keen on the latter and am currently contemplating dropping Gravus to make some room for these.  There are always lots of options, and quite often you wish you had the option you just dismissed!

The Harby list above has had quite a bit of success in the few games I’ve played, primarily winning on scenario as per the list design, I’ve actually enjoyed playing Harby, as in the past I’ve found her a bit boring to play, perhaps playing her up front in the SR2013 has helped here.  I quite like Gravus and he synergises with this list quite nicely, though for five points I do wonder if he is worth it; I suspect I’ll drop him for five points of more effective models, possibly a TFG unit along with the other loose points.  Gorman is always a good solo and I feel his cloud to either try and hide Harby or give her +2 DEF from ranged attacks is important.  He also has some solid use mid-late game throwing Blind grenades.  Kell is also a workhorse and most people agree that he gets his points back every game.  I’ve used him to try and snipe out enemy support pieces, or just to help out in the attrition battle.

Intercessor Kreoss
Intercessor Kreoss: Source
I’ve not played this list as much as the Harby one, but have enjoyed playing it.  I think I gave a brief synopsis of the list a few entries ago, but here it is again, as we’re on the subject!  The list is tier four and qualifies for cheaper melee only ‘jacks, +1 to first turn roll, advance move on a ‘jack and increased FA for cavalry units.  The Signs and Portents on the Vengers/Kreoss is amazing, it increases their accuracy and hitting power quite a bit.  The extra dice and discard the lowest roughly adds +2 to a roll as far as statistics are concerned, so that is effectively MAT11 P&S16 charge attack.  Kreoss3 has Ignite and the Vengers Battle Driven which increases this to a theoretical P&S20 charge attack!  Clearly all of these things have to be in effect and the board state optimal, but still you can see the potential damage output being way above the same Vengers in the Harby list.  Two charging Vengers killed Snap Jaw, the Gatormen Lesser Warlock heavy warbeast, that was one impact attack and two lance hits; they had Ignite and Battle Driven as well as good dice, but still – ouch!

I feel that the list desperately needs a Vassal for the Ancillary Attack for the Vanquisher, but points are just too tight.  I considered dropping the Crusader, but a heavy warjack for 5 points is a bargain and I’d end up with three points spare which wouldn’t really compare to the damage output or survivability of the Crusader.  I’ll just have to accept the Vanquisher can put just one 4” AoE down per turn!!

Below is the finished Intercessor Kreoss as well as the finished Kell Bailoch – enjoy!

 Kell Bailoch: Awaiting photoshoot! [edit - done]

1 comment:

  1. Models are looking good as always Nick.

    Whilst I like the models I'm still not feeling the love for warmachine again. I wish the fluff was better-as hackneyed and grimdark as 40k is, it just has a certain je ne sais quois which suits my lack of competitive ability :D
