Friday, 2 November 2012


Since my last blog entry I managed to sneak in another tournament! After having to cancel the BCB event at Leeds I managed to secure a place at the Frontlines2 tournament which was held in Sheffield last weekend. It was a last minute decision so I had little time to muse over lists as the day I bought my ticket was the date of the list submission!

I'd mused for some time over pairing my Kreoss1 list with Feora2 and had tried the opportunity at 35 points a few weeks ago at the Open War 18 event and, albeit a small field for testing I was happy with the dual lists, so Frontlines2 was an ideal opportunity to try the idea at 50 points.

I will provide a brief synopsis of my games below as well as a summing up of the event:

Drake MacBain (off Battlecollege website)
Game 1:
Chris Murdoch (Mercenaries, Drake MacBain)

Chris was a stand in as my pre-arranged opponent failed to turn up, so I was actually given a bye for the first round; however in true heroic style I opted to play a game against Chris and take the result as it would be, win or loss...

The game was really tough and Chris was a good opponent with a strong army, though he didn't have all the figures he wanted to use – so it could have been much stronger!! The first game was a reinforcements scenario and I took my Kreoss1 list as the dual Repenters would be useful against lots of Merc infantry as well as Kreoss' feat.

Highlights were my Reckoners beating on the two enemy heavy 'jacks with either shooting or melee; they're just such powerful pieces and a snip for just 8 points. Kayazy and Nyss fought valiantly against my Errants and TFG, but were unable to draw a bead on my warcaster or secure control points. Eventually Chris went for an assassination on Kreoss, but the dice were just not with him and to be fair would have been quite a tall order even with good dice. This left MacBain exposed and he was beaten to death by a Reckoner's consecrator to the back of the head which ended the match with a win.

Calaban (off Battlecollege website)
Game 2:
Liam Jordan (Minions, Calaban)

I'd never played Liam before, though he is one of the Epic Flail posse; nor had I played against Callaban as a Warlock. Liam is a skilled player and I knew it would have been a tough game. I went for Kreoss again as Liam's other Warlock was Barnabas and I would have protection from his feat with my Covenant (no KD).

The game was a radial scenario and Liam went first. He advanced very far on his first turn, augmented by his tier list bonus, so I wasn't able to pressure scenario conditions from the off. We also had an awkward wood in the dead centre which formed a lot of tactical play later on in the game.

Highlights of the match were really centred around a grind-fest where the Menoth came out better, Liam had struggled with the piece trades and slowly my forces were becoming more numerous on the attrition front. Both 'casters were very safe, so assassination was unlikely. Liam on several; occasions attempted to sneak a scenario point, but just fell short on sufficient distance to make it. I was unable to do this myself as Liam's forces were further upfield from the off and the wood made it very difficult to press forwards through, hence I played for the attrition. Liam made a few attempts to sneak a model into my control zone, so that if dice-down was called he'd win on tertiary conditions, but again insufficient distance or the game continuing denied him a victory that way. I had nothing with sufficient speed to make the distance to attempt similar as my infantry was all but destroyed by this point and the 'jacks were shooting the daylights out of the enemy heavies.

Eventually dice-down was called and neither of us had any models in the control zones so it went down to army points destroyed, which I was quite far ahead on and won that way. I felt a bit bad as Liam seemed quite frustrated, not being able to score his control points, or failing some important dice rolls to throw one of his models into my zone, though ultimately the dice-down was called in my turn and whatever came close was dispatched quickly. Liam later came to me and told me that we'd played the scenario wrong and flags were to be used for tertiary conditions, not zones. To be fair however I did question that very fact mid-game and he told me it was definitely zones not flags, so we each played that. If memory served I had both a Reckoner and Rhoven & Co on a flag versus his Iron Back Spitter at the end of the game meaning I would have won anyway! Liam later came second in the event so I doubt he was that fussed at loosing to me.

Vayl2 (off Battlecollege website)
Game 3:
Tom Fretwell (Legion, Vayl2)

Tom is a really great guy and we've played once or twice now and I knew it would be a tough match up. The scenario was another reinforcements one and I'd used Kreoss twice now, so if I used him a third time I'd be locked into Feora for the last two games and given his Legion lists both had Ravagores I knew Feora was the correct choice (as she is immune to the fire based ranged assassination threat).

The game was really good and highlights included me playing like a chimp and forgetting to activate things in the right order, mainly the Choir to sing either protective hymns, or the Battle hymns, so I might as well have not played with them that game! To be fair, despite my forgetting things, I played the attrition game well and cleared out a significant portion of Tom's army without loosing too much of my own. He'd kept Vayl safe, as had I with Feora, so assassination was unlikely for either of us, though I was worried about Tom sending off a cheeky arc node pot-spawned lesser warbeast and feat-spell assassinating Feora, her basic armour and the +4DEF wall she was hiding behind would make this fairly tough I was hoping...

Tom went up a control point early on as I didn't keep my eye on the ball and he was able to cheekily Repulse the Avatar out of the zone (darn I forgot Angels can do that)! The next turn was a really strong showing from my Menoth clearing out the right hand zone and scoring a point myself, even threatening Vayl's position and the Legion backfield plus support as the Errants pressed forwards. I spent quite a bit of time throwing Zealot bombs and their blast damage was enough to wipe out the Legion Hex Hunters. So a great showing up until my time expired and I realised I hadn't had enough time to contest the zone Tom had just scored in... I still had numerous activations left including three heavies which could have gotten into the zones and hopefully avoided being repulsed out or destroyed. This effectively ended the game as Tom scored at the same time I did and all he had to do was move one model into the zone I was controlling of on my right and win... D'oh! A real clanger that mistake; just a bit more concentration on the time would have been all I needed to keep my third game winning chances alive! Still Tom and I had a good laugh about it and I wasn't that bothered to be honest as I'd won two games already and achieved what I wanted by this point and I'd only have had to face either Jamie P or Brett W on table one/two in the next round and got a kicking – LOL!!!

Xerxis (off Battlecollege website)
Game 4:
Gav Roath (Skorne, Xerxis)

I'd played Gav earlier in the year at the Doubles tournament in January and he'd used a similar Xerxis list then and having played a bit of Skorne myself I was fairly competent on what the list did.

We were drawn on the table I'd played Liam on earlier on game two and the table was still going to be awkward with the big wood in the centre. We were playing 'Close Quarters' scenario and Gav opted to go first hurling his army far forwards and either past or into the wood making scenario options very hard for me. I'd chosen Feora again for this match up as either warcaster would have been OK, but I'd have a choice for the final game this way and the Feora list can deal with Skorne heavies.

To be honest I was quite comfortable with the game as I had the tools to deal with Gav's heavy infantry, I knew the Catephract would be in shield wall and have Defender's Ward on them, which I could counter with Eiryss2 and the two chain weapon wielding 'jacks. I could also trade heavies considering I had four to Gav's two. I knew I needed to be careful of Molik Karn, as a few side steps and Feora would be dead, therefore I played her quite cagey.

Highlights of the match up saw the Templar get the alpha strike on an unsuspecting Titan Gladiator, its increased speed with Escort and the bond meant it could hit like a sledge hammer from afar and the great elephant fell beneath its mace. I did loose the Templar in retaliation when Gav charged it with his Gatorman Posse under a few buffs were P&S18 and 4D6 damage under Xerxis feat, mean!

Following the Templar/Gladiator exchange I was able to whittle down the Gatormen and Gav's Nihilators in my own retaliation, using the cheeky 'set my own invulnerable Zealots on fire (mini-feat) and then move it onto the enemy infantry' with Feora's feat trick.

Gav then destroyed my Reckoner with his Catephract, which were then taken out, in-turn, by my Vanquisher and Avatar, the former was then lost to Xerxis himself. Gorman was meanwhile black oiling Molik whilst the remaining Zealots bombed him, nibbling out a few wounds here and there.

By the late-game the piece trading basically left Gav with Xerxis, a few support pieces and Molik, though Molik was too far out to be of much threat and was being jammed up with Zealots and suffering 'blind' from Gorman's black oil. I had Feora and the Avatar as well as my support pieces left. I was actually better off attrition-wise, though there was still a lot to play for. Gav tried to destroy the Avatar with Xerxis, but was unable to do so as it just 'enlivened' away into the warm embrace of a pair of Mechanics! The next round the Avatar rolled a full four focus, took the Hymn of Battle and ripped Xerxis a new one!

Haley2 (off Battlecollege website)
Game 5:
Lewis Johnson (Cygnar, Haley2)

Lewis and I were drawn on table two, so the winner would undoubtedly get a podium finish and we both had a choice of warcaster remaining. I took Feora as I suspected Lewis would use Haley2 with the Stormwall, which was indeed the case.

The game was very tough and there were a few tentative moments over a couple of LOS and terrain issues, but these were quite amicably resolved. The game was 'Destruction', an interactive objectives scenario, though it didn't bear too much on the actual game.

Highlights of the match were seeing Lewis having the upper hand most of the game, he played really well and was able to answer all of the problems I gave him, his list was strong and his play very good. Lewis did make one almighty mistake and forget to feat with Haley2 which he tried to flutter his eyelids at me to let him off, but I was a big meanie and said no, which to be fair was the right call; I'd already given him a few minor take-backs and all onlookers felt that it was fair, so to did Lewis!!

I made my assassination attempt on Haley2 with two Reckoner shots, then attempted to flame her with Feora, but was just a couple of millimetres short on the range. I feated to set her on fire and hoped I could nibble the last few damage boxes in Lewis' maintenance phase. I got Haley down to just two remaining wounds, which was a shame as the Reckoner's boosted damage roll was very low and just a tad more would have sealed the game for me. Feora was assassinated the following turn despite leaving her well defended. In all fairness Lewis deserved to win as he'd played better than I, so I've no bones about the result!

Final standings:
After a very tiring day I was really chuffed to finish 3-2 and having been in for a shout at 2nd or 3rd place should my dice have been slightly better. The field of players was so strong I anticipated loosing all my games and would have been happy with just one win before the first game, so winning more than I lost was fantastic for me. I also scooped 3rd in the 'best army' competition and was chuffed to achieve that considering the quality of the armies on parade, so all in all a great day.

I actually came 5th in the end, though the organisers and Rankings HQ had me listed as 13th, due to an error in data entry, but this was soon rectified!


  1. Liam comes across as a bit of a sore loser to me (apologies if that wasnt the intention) but I've no time for people like that :p It is just a game after all... ;)

  2. Yeah, it wasn't my intention, though I tried to be fair and accurate in my summing up of how my games went. I think perhaps, on re-reading my words, it could have been interpreted that way but I sought to portray the fact I was perhaps lucky to win and a few dice-rolls or distances could have made for a quite different result!

  3. good write up - sounds like a good day of gaming with some of the top end competitive players.

    Another good showing from the Hull players.

  4. Yeah, certainly a tough event, with a lot of well known peeps from the community and guys featured quite highly in the Rankings etc, think I'm now 69th... ;-)
