With the upcoming
tournament at York I decided to use this as a deadline to get some painting done. This event will be held on 3rd September 2011 at York and is a team event where ten players from each club will play three rounds of 35 points (single list) to determine a winner.
I decided that I would use my Menoth as I'm quite keen on this faction at the minute. I have decided to use epic Severius as my caster as I haven't used him since I first started with Menoth a while back; but I soon found a fondness to his prime version which has stuck for the past few months. I have decided on a list which uses the majority of my painted models leaving me with just a modest amount to paint in the month run up to the event.
The list:
Choir of Menoth (leader & 3 grunts)
Daughters of the Flame (leader & 5 grunts)
Exemplar Errants (leader & 5 grunts)
Exemplar Errant UA
Covenant of Menoth
Vassal of Menoth
The Wracks
So why choose this list?
Well the first choice is obviously the caster, eSevvy is a stunning miniature and I'm looking forward to painting him and having used him at first I know how he works and am looking forward to getting a few games in with him again. He has a solid spell list, a good feat and some good passive abilities. He has got more assassination potential than his prime counter part and this will suit a faster play style that I need for this event.
My rationale behind this list is that it is quite well balanced, I have some ranged shooting with the pair of Reckoners and the Errants as well as an arc node for spell slinging. The Reckoners are pretty decent in melee too, though having used the Avatar lately I'll miss his unbelievable hitting power I'm sure. The Errants are similar to the Reckoners in that they can shoot as well as hit hard in melee and nearly always find themselves in my lists - they're a good solid unit and worth every point in my opinion.
The Daughters of the Flame can be a bit hit and miss and they're in there because I've got them painted and they will benefit from eSevvys
Sacred Ward spell (+2 DEF and spell immunity). They'll just end up running up and locking opponents gun lines and be annoying I guess!
The Covenant will be a bit hit and miss again, though making the Errants crossbows cause continuous fire is useful as well as immunity to knockdown/stationary and shutting down enemy spell casting in its CMD range will be situationally helpful. The Vassal and Choir are almost a mandatory choice for any Menoth list so nothing too exciting there! The Wracks are good to help Sevvy cast spells/upkeep, although 8 focus per turn is huge he can burn through it in no time and running three jacks will consume it quickly. I could have used the point to upgrade the standard Revenger to the Blessing of Vengence, which would have been nice too but I'm keen to keep different elements to each list I use and the Blessing appears in my pSevvy lists.
So that's it for my list choices, I'll need to paint one Reckoner, the Covenant and epic Severius, shouldn't be too difficult to achieve in one month..... we'll see!