Thursday, 4 August 2011

List test run

I played a couple of games down at the club last night with this list, two different opponents, but both were Cygnar using Siege as a warcaster.  The first list was quite combat orientated with a Defender and the Black 13th as shooty back up and the other was more of a ranged force with two shooty jacks and Gun Mages.

In both games I used eSevvy's Awareness spell to allow the Reckoners to shoot past intervening models and through a cloud effect in the first game too.  Siege is probably one of the more difficult casters in Warmachine to assassinate as he has a natural armour of 17 and above average damage boxes.

The first game Siege was camping three focus so ARM 20 was a tough nut to crack, and I left Siege on about 5-6 health, but on fire.  I therefore fully expected eSevvy to die horribly as he wasn't camping any focus himself and Siege had his feat left as well as most of his army to deal with me...  Luckily for my opponent the fire expired, but luckily for me Siege was about 1/2" away from getting eSevvy in feat range, though I did get down to about 5-6 boxes myself!

The second game was not particularly favouring me in the scenario or attrition so the caster kill option was again on the cards, again Awareness allowed the LOS I needed to shoot Siege with my Reckoner duo, I again set Siege on fire, but as he wasn't camping any focus I caused enough damage to kill him exactly.

In reflection I do feel that perhaps I led a charmed life with eSevvy and the games could have easily been two losses, especially as I didn't end up on the receiving end of a fully boosted shot whilst my armour was breached!

I'll keep on trying this list as it seems pretty decent and I'll enjoy painting the remaining bits, more to follow on that as I get it done!


  1. Hi Nick,

    Just found your blog, your models are looking nice and I will keep checking in here to watch your updates as I'm planning my Menoth Army too.

  2. Cheers mate,

    Glad my random ramblings have been of some interest! I'll try and get the galleries updated ASAP, though I've struggled to get the right lighting and I always seem to take naff photos!

  3. Congratulations on weathering two Sieges and coming out on top!
