Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Reckoner work in progress 2

Well its been a week and I've found very little time to paint unfortunately, in the last post I'd completed the legs and I've fielded just them during my games!  I could balance the torso on the legs but they'll just scratch the paint work to bits - so thanks to my opponents for not minding playing against a pair of legs this past week or two - LOL!

Below is a snap of the torso work in progress:
Reckoner torso WIP
As seen I've got the purple and white fully done.  The gold is virtually done, barring a highlight or two.  The steel has just had a base coat and a black wash so it needs tidying up.

After the main torso is complete I'll get the insides of the arms done, then attach it to the legs to paint the rest.  At present I'm having to hold the thing by its two weapons in order to paint it and it will be easier once its attached to the legs.

I'm hoping I'll just need a couple more hours work to finish it, then on to the Covenant!


  1. So far so good Nick, looking forward to seeing it completed.
    Work on my Reckoner is progressing but slowly, top half is almost completed and just the legs and base to really work on.

  2. Yeah, they seem to take forever! Its probably because I've managed to put in just the odd half hour here and there. I could probably do with a good solid stab at it!

  3. Thats the same thing as I'm doing, about 30-45 mins each time then put the brush down and walk away. Finding it better for my paint skills and I'm no falling into the habit of rushing to get them done. Slow going tho, will try and post some pics up on my site soon.
