Wednesday 10 August 2011

eSevvy done!

I spent a good few hours painting eSevvy last night and am pleased to say that he is done now!  It was a nice model to paint as I said in a previous post, lots of flowing robes complemented by gold and armour plates.  I was pleased with the way his epic base came out and the rest come out similarly.  Enough waffle and onto the pics:

Next I'll probably to another Reckoner and save the Covenant until last to keep me motivated :-)


  1. lovely!

    I look forward to seeing this bad boy in the flesh!

  2. Very nice m8, very nice indeed. Almost got me thinking about doing some painting, almost but not quite.

  3. I agree, V. cool... this army looks great in the flesh as well. Unlike Skaltar my paintng mojo still hasent flickered tho!

  4. Saw this chap down at the club - looking fantastic!
