Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Reckoner work in progress

I've been lazy this week and not got much painting done, just felt a bit crap TBH.

However I've got a couple of updates on the Reckoner I need to paint for the tourny.  I usually paint models in sections to make it easier to get into all the nooks and crannies, the Reckoner was assembled with the legs separate to the body for this purpose.  Below are a couple of shots of the completed legs and base - I just need to repaint the base lip black and add the white lines, but will do that once the whole model has been assembled.

Reckoner legs (front)
Reckoner legs (rear)
I did pop off the back loin cloth before painting as this obscured too much of the inner legs for painting purposes and re-glued it after painting was finished.

I think the base has come out nicely, the Army Painter Swamp Tufts add a great amount of realism and work out relatively inexpensive per base they cover.  I think a pack is about £4 and it will do most of an army depending on how sparingly you use them!


  1. Nice work Nick,

    I was going to ask where you got the grass tufts from as they really make a difference to the base.
    Well I started painting again, my Recknor is probally 40% done now and I'm really happy at how well the off white colour has come out on the large flat armour sections.
    Now just to grab those tufts to complete my bases 8)

  2. Cheers, I think I got my tufts from Wargames Workshop, though they're available from quite a few retailers now. They've also done more colour varieties now.

  3. I would take a look at the Silflor tuft ranges as I think they manufacture the Army Painter tufts and you get about 4 times the amount for the money.

    That said the Army Painter tufts are great.
